Regeneration Ministry
Find freedom from all struggles, including: anxiety/depression, pornography, fear, control, substance abuse, codependency, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction, eating disorders/body image, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other struggle that has you stuck.
Welcome to re:generation!
We gather on Monday nights from 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Worship Center on our Church Campus. Below is the outline of how the evening runs:
- Large Group worship, teaching, and testimony will start at 6:30 PM.
- Small Groups will break out into their designated areas around the campus immediately following Large Group. Books are for sale during the programming at the Information Desk in the main foyer. No registration is required... Just come on in!
- Childcare (up to grade 5 only) is free and available for children during re:generation with advanced registration. Drop-off begins at 6:20 PM. Please email for any questions about Childcare.
What is re:generation?
Re:generation recovery puts Christ at the center of all healing and relies solely on God’s word as its authority and counsel. We are an authentic community of Christ-followers, relentless in helping each other experience intimacy with the LORD, and are committed to glorifying our LORD through regenerated lives. Re:generation focuses on Christ and invites you to engage with Scripture, ultimately finding freedom from addictive behaviors, compulsive thinking and sin patterns. At some level, we all experience brokenness. At re:generation, we believe that people can experience growth and new life by working through the healing path God has given us in the Bible. The mission of this biblically-based 12-step program is to call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. Our experience and prayer is that you will find healing. So whether you are struggling with substance abuse, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, emotional/physical abuse, same sex attraction, anger or obsessive thoughts—or if you are just stuck in a particular area of life, come as you are and find that God wants to heal you. He loves you and has a plan for you. Contact Justin Allison for more information.