Jonah and the Will
Our last sermon series of the year is all about Jonah! Listen as Pastor Brain walks us through the Book of Jonah.
Our last sermon series of the year is all about Jonah! Listen as Pastor Brain walks us through the Book of Jonah.
This four part sermon series focuses on four different view points of the cross, starting with the Father's perspective.
It seems to be a common theme, doesn't it? The world takes what God created, hijacks it, and tries to have it conform to their idea of how it should be. Marriage, gender, and family just to name a few.
Holding on and both be a good thing and a bad thing. It can be a great thing to hold onto memories and traditions, right? That might depend on your heart regarding that tradition or memory. And it's never usually a good thing to hold on to grudges. But why is it sometimes that we can't let them go? Pastor Brian talks about all of that and more in our series, Holding On.
A candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds. Listen to our series "Dark Horse" as pastor Brian talks about some Dark Horses and their stories from the Bible.
Killer Bunnies. We all have them. They are something that appears innocent and harmless, but eventually wrecks havoc on your life and your walk with God.
Standalone messages from 2024.
Ripple Effect: the continuing and spreading results of an event or action. Woah. If our thoughts actions are continuing and produce resutls, it's probably important to do a examination of our hearts and actions to see that they are producing righteous, God honoring results... right? Listen to Pastor Brian's first sermon series of 2024: Ripple Effect.
Listen as Pastor Brian takes us through the entire Book of Acts!
Who is God? We've probabaly all asked that question before. Pastor Brian takes us through this three part sermon series about, "Who is God?", God's love and judgement, and His will for our lives.