
“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
1 Corinthians 9:25


group bible studies

Life is full of pressure, and to take a stand for the Lord with our families and the world around us, we need God and encouragement from other men. With this in mind, Champions Men’s Ministry strives to connect men with strong relationships with Jesus and with each other. We want to help you become a Champion in your home, your church and in your workplace! Check out our group Bible studies for men here. 



Men's Breakfast
Join us at GBC for breakfast on the first Saturday of most every month! You can check the calendar of events for specific information each month.

Bow and Arrow Tag at Men's Retreat

Bow and Arrow Tag at Men 's Retreat

Men's Retreat
Once a year, the men of Greenwood spend a weekend at camp to grow in our relationship with God in order to renew, refine, and rebuild ourselves to be the leaders God has called us to be. Check the calendar of events for specific information each year. Our next Men's Retreat will be January 10 & 11 at River Bend retreat center.  

Other Ministries

WOMEN'S MinistrY

Walk through your faith with other women as you become a fully devoted follower of Jesus, and allow God's Word to inspire you to love, learn, and lead the present and future generations.

Young Adults

Greenwood Young Adults exists to connect 18-25 year olds to God, personal and spiritual Growth, and a Group of other believers. Join us as we experience life to the full in college and beyond.

Small Groups
Group Bible STudies

Engage in meaningful relationships by doing life together. Be a part of each others lives, fellowships, and be on mission together.


Join us as we share the love of Jesus in practical ways with the people of Parker County and the world. Be the church outside the walls of the church building.