Who's on Your Throne?

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Dec 06, 2020 | Brian Bond

Who's on Your Throne?

there is a throne in your heart. Whoever & whatever sits on that throne determines where your life goes & what you do. How is it possible that the God of the universe, Who spoke the world into creation, could take up residence in a person's heart & that person not be changed? We don't think it's possible. But God is not jealous of you; He's jealous FOR you. He knows that any other god you put on your throne will require you to sacrifice so much more than you can. Sacrifices to false gods just bring pain. In this message, Pastor Brian Bond shows how putting God on your throne takes a sacrifice of the will, a broken heart, but leads to life and blessing we could never imagine on our own.

Series Information

Life is complicated. But it doesn't have to be. This series explores the simple truths about a life surrendered to Jesus, and how that life leads to moments that are anything but simple.