
Current Series


Stone Faced

Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame. -Isaiah 50:7


Listen as Pastor Brian talks about the importance of being rock solid in your walk, beliefs, and faith in Christ, 

The Flip Side

There is a flip side to every argument, position, and story.  But what should the Christian perspective be? Listen to pastor Brian's series, Flip Side. 

Warrior Mindset

In  Pastor Brian's new sermon series, Warrior Mindset, we will look at two people from the Bible  to see how they exhibited a Warrior Mindset, and how us at Christians today can. 


If there is one thing we can guarantee in this world, it's hat you can't be certain about anything.  Except that is, your relationship with Christ. And when it comes to the end times, what does the Bible say we can be certain about pertaining to that? Listen as Pastor Brian talks more about it. 

Core Values

To start start off the 2022 new year, listen to Pastor Brian's series, Core Values, and learn what we believe and stand for here at Greenwood Baptist Church. 

Anxious for Nothing

Many times when we lean in to anxiety, what we're anxious for turns out to be nothing. But in Philippians, God tells us through Paul to be anxious for nothing. How can we quit being anxious for nothing, so that we can be anxious for nothing?


Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it. This series is all about the courage it takes to be a follower of Jesus in 2021.

The Wise, The Foolish, & The Evil

The Bible talks about three kinds of people: the wise, the foolish, and the evil. Which one are you? How do you know which kind others are? This series is all about following God's way, and how to tell who isn't.